14 JunOut & About & Earrings

Tahlia just got her ears pierced this past Saturday. Mommy had to hold her because it was a little too much for Daddy. I thought it was a little early for it but she only cried for a couple minutes and now she barely notices them. Anyway we took her out to the park the next day for her first beach experience. To Dad and all my other Bermuda fam, this is what beaches in Washington State tend to look like. Nice to look at but you wouldn’t catch me swimming.

27 MayBaby Talk

This is a little old (from almost a month ago), and a little embarrassing, but I thought I would post it. Click on it if you want to watch me talking nonsense in a really high pitched voice 😀 Also Tahlia talks a bit too.

26 May4 months and Smiling

07 MayTalking to Mommy

05 May3 months

So I just realized Tali turned 3 months without getting a milestone post. Here are a bunch of pics from the last couple of weeks, including her princess outfit she wore to cousin Liyanna’s birthday party. (still mad I didn’t get any of them together)

Our girl is getting big right before our eyes 🙂 the past few weeks have seen her learning how to make creative sounds, grab a hold of things, trying her best to sit up straight, and flashing her beautiful smile whenever someone says hi to her. Enjoy the rest of the pics, as you can see it’s a bunch!

27 AprHer First Book

Just getting some reading in with my daughter for the first time. It is NEVER too early folks! She loved it… Excited, cooing, almost like she’s interacting with it. I can already see she will be a little bookworm.  Got to love the title of it too 😉

24 AprWho’s that Chick?

These were taken about a week apart. Does Tahlia look bigger in the second one??

22 AprTahlia REALLY wants to Sit Up

..and shocks Auntie Etetu in the process.  ‘Little Monkey’ is a cute nickname in our language, I promise 🙂 She’s exactly 11 weeks here… now she wants to try and sit up all the time.

20 AprGood Times

“Ain’t we lucky we got ’em…”

I have to say, nothing and I mean NOTHING on this Earth warms my heart like looking at these pictures. I was so grateful that Mom could make the trip and spend so much time with us. Her leaving yesterday felt way too soon.  Tahlia will do a lot of growing between now and the next time she sees her Grandma, but I am just thankful to God for the chance to capture moments like these. We love you, Mom.

12 AprTali & Zekey

We all might as well get used to pictures of these two… they look like they are tired of it already [lol]

Cheeks cheeks an mo’ cheeks! Mom was trying to get Tahlia to talk to her but Zekey thought it was all meant for him! Too bad he had hiccups the whole time: