Wow, it has been a while since I posted anything. Here are just a couple of snaps from the past month!
14 JanBusy month!
17 DecHoliday Pictures
06 DecWalking!
Tali is getting more and more mobile, she can take about 5-6 steps at a time now!
28 Nov10 Months!
23 NovSnow!
15 NovTahlia & Pop-Pop
01 NovHappy Halloween!
Her first Halloween, and somehow we ended up with 2 costumes! The first one is a pumpkin fairy, and the other one is a pink jungle cat of some sort 🙂 No candy or trick or treating this time around, maybe next year. Just some pictures and a whole lot of crying and squirming when I tried to put her cat makeup on!! LoL
In teeth news: She has two more coming in at the bottom and the two top ones are poking through as well!
Daddy is utterly powerless against this smile 🙂
25 Oct9 Months!
18 OctCrawling
ThoughtI would let you all see how fast Tali can crawl before she starts trying to walk!