22 JanThe Many Faces of Tahlia

A few of the many tries it took to get a nice picture for the Christmas card!

22 Jan23 Months!

Late again…  I mean her 2nd birthday is this week! But anyhow just wanted to post some shots of Christmas with Tali and Zekey getting their tricycles, and the mini-blizzard we had last week.

13 Dec22 Months … and Holidays!

Thanksgiving …


The holidays means lots of empty boxes to play with!


Liyanna and Josiah came over for dinner!


Posing with Pop-Pop 🙂 

14 NovMornings

14 NovPumpkin Patch


03 OctAngry Tali

I love my daughter, I really do. But right now Tali has entered a phase where if you look at her wrong she will fall out on the ground kicking and screaming. Don’t believe me? Watch this video! lol. Also, make sure your volume isn’t turned up too high. This girl gets LOUD.

If you were wondering about the cause of this hissy fit, she wants to be the one to take the key and unlock our front door whenever we get home (At least she does with me). I guess it is an independence thing. At first I would humor her but when Daddy is home from work carrying her, and her bag, he just wants to get in the door and sit. So this is what happens when I don’t let her try to use the key.

Funniest part is how halfway through the tantrum she gets up and decides it’s over!! Such an actress.

27 Sep20 Months! and Snoqualmie Falls

So fall has come to Seattle in a flurry of bitter wind and rain. Seems like it was only yesterday we were heading out to Snoqualmie Falls in the 80 degree heat for a little family day trip! Let’s have a look at the pictures shall we:

The falls are beautiful!

Is that an airplane?

All smiles

Tali taking Daddy for a walk

Not impressed?


02 SepSay Cheese

22 AugTahlia goes to the Zoo

Last Saturday we took a trip to Woodland Park Zoo. We planned on going early so that it wouln’t cut into Tali’s nap time. We went later, and so she was noticeably grumpier than normal. Just look at the first picture:

But all in all it was really fun and good to actually see the animals, who normally hide from the sun.


Can’t remember why she was upset here, but she was not happy with Mommy at ALL.

^ I love this picture!

I had to take her out of the petting area because she kept playing with the goat’s ears. I guess if you do this too much they will headbutt you.

Going Bye Bye!

22 AugBelated 18 months! and Camping

So I finally am able to put up her 18 month pictures!  Sorry about the wait. It’s been over a month since the camping trip but I figured I would put those shots up here.