05 May3 months

So I just realized Tali turned 3 months without getting a milestone post. Here are a bunch of pics from the last couple of weeks, including her princess outfit she wore to cousin Liyanna’s birthday party. (still mad I didn’t get any of them together)

Our girl is getting big right before our eyes 🙂 the past few weeks have seen her learning how to make creative sounds, grab a hold of things, trying her best to sit up straight, and flashing her beautiful smile whenever someone says hi to her. Enjoy the rest of the pics, as you can see it’s a bunch!

2 Responses to “3 months”

  1. Pop Pop says:

    Hope I got it right this time !!! I simply can’t believe how much my Sweet-Pea has grown. Boy! I better get back up there soon before I hear she’s dating. [LOL] Yea, right, I know thats some time off and daddy Ted will have a lot to say about that one. [LOL] She is developing into her own. As Pop-Pop, I cannot allow too much time to elapse. I have to stay on top of all her growth srpouts. The two of you did an excellent job and I’m just proud to be her grand-father. I love you Tahlia !!!


  2. Tedros Robinson says:

    And she loves her Pop-Pop! Not to worry, I already told you she’ll be in the convent until she’s 30!

    Can’t wait til you and Rach can make your way back up.

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